1. Like Pearlie White Philippines on Facebook.
2. Click the Smile Army tab. The page will display the different smile soldiers you need to build.
3. Complete
your smile army by typing a friend’s name for each smile soldier.
Select four (4) friends to represent the four (4) smile soldiers. Click
Build my Smile Army.
4. After
completing your army, select the prize you want to fight for. You may
choose from three battle prizes. Click Select Battle Reward.
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5. Share the photo on your timeline by clicking Launch my Army. Each smile army you build is
equivalent to one raffle entry.
6. You may build as many smile armies as you want with different set of friends. By the end of
the promo, Pearlie White will raffle off the three (3) prizes and one army will be awarded for
each prize.
7. Promo is exclusive to fans residing in Metro Manila and nearby provinces. Promo period is
from November 27, 2012- January 25, 2013.