Apple might release three new iPhones this year (RP)

Apple might release three new iPhones this year (RP)
A chain of reports out of Asia have announced that Apple plans to release three new iPhone models this year, two of them which will hit markets before the end of June.

The reports come one week after the Wall Street Journal reported a weak demand for the iPhone and that Apple was cutting its orders of the iPhone 5. The rumors from Asia suggest that Apple is not only planning to release more products this year, but that the company will see major growth in the second quarter of 2013.


The information was first publicized by the Commercial Times of Taiwan, then picked up by the China Times and translated by BrightWire. The reports claim that Apple will release a 4-inch iPhone 5S and a 4.8-inch “iPhone Math” before June, as well as a third iPhone with a 12 megapixel camera sometime before December. Apple is allegedly also going to release an Apple TV, known as the 'iTV', this year.
“The shipments for components, including touchscreens and cameras, will start rising significantly in March, and iPhone manufacturers will begin production in late April,” BrightWire states. “Hence, Apple’s suppliers will see major growth in 2Q 2013.”
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