Be Financially Capable

Even though you think you are healthy, you need to secure yourself from possible medical costs in the future as you never know when sickness will attack you or anyone from your family. Health care costs are really devastating when that happens.

People who have insurance enjoy better health, get more preventive care, have better access to prescription drugs, and more able to pay for the basic needs in life. Insurance boosts personal wealth and financial wealth.

When it comes to picking insurances that will suit your needs, you need to consider the cost, the privileges you will get from it, the access to its accredited partners and of course its coverage.

Insurance really is a big help to everyone. Practically speaking, everyone needs insurance as we do not know what will happen in the future. We need to be covered.

Guilty as charged, I spent wastefully a lot in my 20’s buying stuff which I really do not need. I bought 3 mobile phones, 6 pair of shoes and a lot more which is really out of my basic needs list. I even signed up for credit cards which got approved and various student loans. I know these are major financial decisions which I really do not know in my early age.

My partner told me if only I could have invested all the money I spent on those stuff, I would have at least a little less worry on what’s going to happen in the future.

I fully understand now and I am learning. Everyone needs to avoid unmanageable debt. We need to know how to manage and save money for the present and future needs. We need to be financially capable.

Invest now. Make it grow. Reap later.

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